Randy and Brian on TV: “Minnesota Original”
Twin Cities Public Television’s weekly arts series, MN Original, will feature a video of us performing “Roll Drivers Roll” on the shores of the St. Croix River. The first broadcast is this Sunday at 10pm (see schedule below). The piece will also be available online here: http://www.mnoriginal.org/
See us on TV:
Date Time Channel
1/27/2013 10:00 PM TPT2
1/27/2013 6:00 PM TPT2
1/28/2013 4:00 AM TPT2
1/28/2013 1:00 AM TPT SW MN
1/28/2013 7:00 AM TPT SW MN
1/28/2013 7:00 PM TPT SW MN
1/31/2013 9:30 PM TPT Life
2/1/2013 3:30 AM TPT Life
It was COLD that day we filmed this! Hopefully our teeth aren’t chattering too bad!