For Presenters

Short Bio:

A native of the northern Minnesota logging town of Bemidji, Brian Miller teams up with Wisconsinite Randy Gosa to perform the Irish-influenced music of men who roamed the Great Lakes region in the days when pine was king. Miller and Gosa are both renowned in the Irish traditional music world for their work with top artists (including Bua and Myserk) in the US and Ireland. As a duo, they mix a passion for northwoods history and folklore with their finely honed approach to song-arrangement to bring this rich but under-explored music to life.

Downloadable Event Posters:

Click the image to download a print quality pdf of either 11″ x 17″ poster. These are BIG files so right-click-and-save is best.

full-color  (17.2 MB)                                    black and white (11.5 MB)

2013_Color_Poster_Thumbnail                         2013_BandW_Poster_Thumbnail

Stage Plot:

Click to download our stage plot (pdf)



Professional Quality Video from the TPT TV show Minnesota Original:

Roll, You Drivers, Roll                 The Jolly Raftsman

      mn_orig_1_small                          mn_orig_2_small

Other YouTube Videos of Brian and Randy: (“How We Got Up to the Woods Last Year”: Marshfield, WI) (“Roll, You Drivers, Roll”: Zumbrota, MN) (“Maid of the Logan Bough”: St. Paul, MN) (“Jim Whalen”: Marshfield, WI)

Press Quotes:

“Miller and Gosa have produced a deeply satisfying album that readers interested in the story of Irish-American immigration in song will consider an absolute must-have. While its historical depth grounds their work and is to be reveled in, it’s the scintillating music that completes the package – the whole thing is an absolute thumbs up.”
–Daniel Neely, The Irish Echo  [Falling of the Pine review]

“They do a sweet job on all the arrangements, creating a varied and satisfying album. Some of the songs are delightfully quirky Americana…”
–Stephen Winick, The Huffington Post [Falling of the Pine review]

Minnesota Lumberjack Songs is a triumph on every level. Above all, it stays true to the shanty boy tradition of being great entertainment.”
— Tim Readman, Penguin Eggs   [Minnesota Lumberjack Songs review]

“…the most fun thing at [the Milwaukee] Irish Fest this year”
— Erik Carlson, “A Feast of Irish Folk” WHPK Chicago

“Really terrific arrangements and performances to go with a delightfully representative selection of songs and tunes…   Just a stellar work in every respect.”
— James Leary, The Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures    [Minnesota Lumberjack Songs review]

“A wonderful exploration of an oft-overlooked facet of the Irish American experience.. ..brilliantly curated and superbly executed.”
–Daniel Neely, The Irish Echo  [Minnesota Lumberjack Songs review]

“Miller is a strong singer and a masterful instrumentalist. …each song is a gem.”

— Phoenix Brown & Lars Vigo, Off Center Views     [Minnesota Lumberjack Songs review]

“a perfect way to represent our historic sites”
— Wendy Freshman, Minnesota History Center

“Through stories and songs, Brian Miller brought Minnesota’s early
logging days to life”
–- Long Prairie Leader